Thursday, December 10, 2009

H1N1 Reality is here. Pandemic Declared! How do I deal with it?

Stay home when you are sick: Those with flu-like illness should stay home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever, or signs of a fever, without the use of fever-reducing medicines. Stay home when you are sick.

2. Staff who appear to have flu-like illness should be sent to a room separate from others until they can be sent home. CDC recommends that they wear a surgical mask, if possible, and that those who care for ill students and staff wear protective gear such as a mask.

3. Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette: The new recommendations emphasize the importance of the basic foundations of influenza prevention: stay home when sick, wash hands frequently with soap and water when possible, and cover noses and mouths with a tissue when coughing or sneezing (or a shirt sleeve or elbow if no tissue is available).

4. Routine cleaning: Staff should routinely clean areas that students and staff touch often with the cleaners they typically use. Special cleaning with bleach and other non-detergent-based cleaners is not necessary.

5. Early treatment of high-risk students and staff: People at high risk for influenza complications who become ill with influenza-like illness should speak with their health care provider as soon as possible.
Consideration of selective closurel: Although there are not many businesses where all or most staff are at high risk (for example, schools for medically fragile children or for pregnant students) a community might decide to dismiss such a school to better protect these high-risk students.

Simple Steps to protect yourself, co-workers and your family.

Have infection control plans in place.
Have plenty of instant sanitizer avail able.
Have disinfectant wipes, disinfectant, safety glasses, gloves and masks available.
Wipes: Clorox or Virox Wipes
Masks: N95 or N98 masks.
Instant Sanitizer: Alcohol Based is preferred.
Disinfectants must have an Influenza A claim to be considered effective

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