Monday, June 4, 2007

Green or Just Plain Safe

What is "Green" all about?

Cleaning for Impression?

For whom? Clients? Friends? The Public at large?

It took more than just a 90 minute stand up act to impress me of the need to clean green. Former Vice-President Al Gore has done more things for the environment than any twelve Greenpeace activists can ever claim to do; regardless of what the masses may think. It took a study that showed me the impact on humans and wildlife. That study discussed the number one cleaning surfactant used for over seventy years.

It took the addition of children in my world.

I can continue to chat about my reasons for my shift in focus. But the truth is that the need to use products and processes that use less energy, fewer non-renewable resources, and safer end results comes from an obvious and extreme change in visible effects on the environment. Green is not about catch-phrases. It is not about winning over customers. It is not about a picture of a waterfalls or the Amazon rain forest.

The truth is:

We have to make a change. That change is not all that painful. It is amazing the advances that have been made in the direction of a safer and better end result.

I have just chosen the right way to arrive at it.

Tell me your opinion.

Chris Rogers
Corporate Chemicals